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Can you make money with hypnotherapy? YES!

Can you make money with hypnotherapy

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As you are reading this, I can safely assume that you want to become a hypnotherapist and make money with hypnotherapy. But how much money do you want to make? How much should you charge? How many hours are you planning on working as a hypnotherapist? These questions are important, because you have the potential to make thousands, hundreds of thousands… millions even… (Yes, seriously! I’ll prove it in a moment.)


What should you charge for a hypnotherapy session?

Many new hypnotherapists and hypnotherapy students say the same thing; “I have no idea what to charge for a hypnotherapy session!” Hopefully, this blog will help!

As a guideline, many of the hypnotherapists that I train are comfortable initially charging between £65 and £250 per session, depending on the type of session, their location, their niche or specialities, their reputation, etc. Clients are more than happy to pay this amount for a quality hypnotherapy session, because how much is ‘getting rid of a phobia’ or ‘losing stubborn weight’ worth? I’ll bet it’s worth a lot more than a measly £65 to your prospective clients! So, you can rest easy, because you can offer amazing, life-changing solutions for a relatively insignificant fee. 


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Should you charge more for a smoking cessation hypnotherapy session?

Unless your standard session fee is high, you should definitely charge more for smoking cessation sessions. Industry standard in the UK is around £200-£500 for a single smoking cessation hypnotherapy session, based on my own research. Some therapists undervalue themselves and charge way less, others charge £1,000, £2,000, even £5,000+!!! In fact, some hypnotherapists set their fee at the same cost as a years supply of cigarettes on a per-client basis. So, if you have a client who smokes a pack a day at £11.23 a pack (which was the UK average price in 2022), this means a session price (or an annual smoking price) of £4098! With that in mind, you can see that charging thousands of pounds for a smoking session is actually pretty reasonable and affordable, in a roundabout-sort-of-way! Imagine how much money you’ll be saving them over a lifetime… two decades of smoking will cost them over £80,000! Talk about burning through money…


Can you make money with hypnotherapy? YES!


Charging premium prices for hypnotherapy

I know a hypnotherapist in the USA who charges $25,000 for a two-hour session. Yes, you read that right. That’s around £19,500 for two hours work. That’s a years salary (at UK national minimum wage 2022) in the time it takes to watch a movie! He is a self-made millionaire. He made his millions with hypnotherapy, and now spends most of his time working with celebrities and the rich. It is possible. It has been done. It can be done again. Sure you’re probably not going to immediately qualify as a hypnotherapist, go out and rent a room in an office block and charge £19,500 a session, but there’s no reason that you shouldn’t be able to get to a point where you can charge a respectable fee, or even a significant fee for your services.

As a hypnotherapist, you can earn whatever you want, so long as you are delivering a quality service, marketing yourself to the right audience, and putting the right amount of work into your business. You don’t have to see tonnes of clients a week if you’re charging a couple of grand for a smoking session, you could probably just see one or two a month! A couple of hours work a month and earning a full time wage… Sounds good, right?

You could do that.

It is within the realms of your own possibility.


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Calculate what you could earn as a hypnotherapist

I have set up an awesome free tool for you, called ‘The Hypnotherapy Income Calculator‘ so that you can get a sense of what you could be earning as a hypnotherapist. You can modify the ‘standard session fee’ and the ‘smoking session fee’ to reflect what you are comfortable charging, to reflect the value that you believe your services are worth! You can then set the amount of clients you’d like to work with per week, or the amount of clients that you think you could feasibly attract per week, if you’re just starting out.

Once you’ve put that information in, you’ll immediately get 4 results:

  • Total hypnotherapy clients per week
  • Total weekly earnings
  • Total monthly earnings
  • Total yearly earnings

It’s set with the ‘industry average’ pricing estimates and pre-loaded with 4 clients per week (two standard sessions and two smokers), but you can change it to suit you. Have a play with it, and figure out what you think your time and your expertise as a hypnotherapist is really worth:


Can you make money with hypnotherapy? YES!



I hope you found the Hypnotherapy Income Calculator useful, please feel free to share this page with your friends (hey, it doesn’t have to just be hypnotherapy, you can use it for any business where you see clients at a set fee).

If you have any questions relating to this or relating to hypnotherapy training in general, do get in touch with me directly via the contact page.

Rory Z Hypnosis Academy lightning bolt white
Written by
Picture of Rory Z Fulcher
Rory Z Fulcher
RZHA Trainer and Founder
Rory Z Hypnosis Academy lightning bolt white
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